Monday, December 3, 2012

Ballerina Cake with Converse Baby Shoes

It was my favorite little sweetie's one year old birthday and her mom asked me to make her birthday cake. She sent me this adorable picture of her wearing a colorful tutu and a pair of baby converse. I had no idea how I was going to do this cake justice. I mean nothing I could possibly make would be as cute as that picture she sent me. But I was up for the task.

I must say that the hardest part about this cake was the tutu. Everyone had pictures of the finished product that I liked and wanted to try. Epic fail on all their ideas. LOL! If you work with cakes, fondant and gum paste you know that whatever you do, you have to give that figure time to dry. So the first thing I did was work on the shoes. They seem to be the biggest task because they had to be right and they needed more time to dry since they would be on top. And I wanted them to be able to keep the shoes as a keep sake for her first birthday. I was So proud of the shoes.

Now that the shoes were down and drying it was time to find a design and get started on the tutu skirt for the cake itself. Finally I just settled on just going with whatever my mind came up with and work it that way and hope for the best. One thing about when I am doing cakes for other people the perfectionist in me comes out. It has to be just so and perfect. And it always makes me feel better when the client, friend or family member loves it more then I did or thought they would.

So here is my finished product. This was a yellow cake with Pineapple filling. I also did her mini smash cake which was a chocolate cake with raspberry filling.

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